The proposed Domino Non-Potable Water Production Facility (“Domino NWPF”) is designed to serve the existing and proposed residential and commercial buildings on the Domino Sugar factory redevelopment site in Brooklyn, New York. The purpose of the Domino NWPF is to reduce demand on both New York City’s potable water supply system and its wastewater conveyance and treatment system, and to reduce combined sewer overflows (“CSO”) and pollutant load emissions into the East River.


This document repository is provided pursuant to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“NYSDEC”) Commissioner Policy-29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (“CP-29”).


Please email for instructions on how to submit questions, comments and/or concerns during the public comment period.


Accessible Documents

Domino NWPF Virtual Public Meeting Notice (English)

Domino NWPF Virtual Public Meeting Notice (Spanish)

Domino NWPF Fact Sheet (English)

Domino NWPF Fact Sheet (Spanish)

Domino NWPF Public Participation Plan (PPP) + Appendices

  • CEQR Documentation
  • SPDES Documentation